Super quick green pasta
15-minute, super green pasta recipe!
1 and a half brown onion, roughly chopped
2cm knob of ginger, roughly chopped
3 cloves garlic
2 cups of frozen peas
3 cups of roughly chopped spinach and herbs, I used parsley and basil
1/3 cup coconut cream
1 tsp paprika
Pinch of chilli
Salt and pepper
Pasta of choice, I use buckwheat pasta, cooked. Check the label for gluten free if need be!
Sauté the onion in a pan, on low heat for a few minutes, then add the ginger. After a couple of minutes add in the garlic and cook until onion is translucent. Meanwhile, cook the pasta as per instructions. Add the peas to a pot with 1cm of water and lightly boil for a few minutes, strain the water, and then add to the onions. Add in the spinach, coconut cream, chilli, salt and pepper, to the main mix. Once the spinach is slightly wilted, take off the heat and mix in the herbs. Transfer the mixture to a whizz and blend until you reach your preferred consistency! Once pasta is cooked mix everything together and drizzle with olive oil. Recipe serves 4.